Interact Global Schistosomiasis Project
Schistosomiasis is a deadly parasitic disease affecting 80 million children, primarily in six African countries, with 200,000 dying from it every year. Until a year ago, there was no pediatric treatment for it; but in December last year the European Union approved for use a 5-pill effective treatment developed by Merck, which can kill the parasite worms and save a child's life. Merck is willing to make those pill packets available at their $2 cost to manufacture, package and ship them. As Rotary took the lead in Polio Eradication, Interact has now been asked to take the lead in Schistosomiasis treatment and eradication. With Interact District 5495 being recognized as the world leader in international service, we have been asked to take the lead in launching this worldwide Interact initiative.
More info about Schistosomiasis
Schistosomiasis is a tropical disease that is prevalent in 6 countries in Africa: Tanzania, Senegal, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda. This disease is caused by a parasite present in freshwater snails. Once these snails lay eggs, the parasites enter the surrounding water. These parasites are strong enough to travel up urine streams and small enough to enter skin pores, so they can infect humans quite easily. Once they enter the body, in adults, they go to the liver and intestines, and in children, they go to the brain. These parasites then mutate into worms and feed on the surrounding flesh. In children, this can lead to severe learning disabilities and other neurological disorders.
What is Interact Doing About This?
Last December the European Union approved a pediatric version of Praziquantel, a pill that cures schistosomiasis by essentially killing the worms in the bodies of affected individuals, in the form of five strawberry-flavored pills. We were able to get these pills manufactured and shipped at a cost of just $2 USD from Merck, a pharmaceutical company founded in Germany that created this pediatric treatment. As Interactors, our mission is to raise money to ship these treatments out to children in need.
What Country is Interact Targeting RIGHT NOW?
The first country that Interact is trying to eradicate schistosomiasis in is....
What can Interact clubs do to support this project?
Start fundraisers at your schools/community clubs for Schistosomiasis. Emphasize how it only costs 2 DOLLARS TO SAVE A LIFE!
Make a Lifesaver Trophy Jar to show how people's donations are actually saving lives (Put a lifesaver in every time somebody donates $2).
Schistosomiasis Flyers
Here is a flyer about schistosomiasis to help you get started on advertising.