Day 5 of their African adventure in service our Ambassadors team spent with the colorful Masai Tribe. After meeting with tribal leaders and providing crutches for tribal members who needed them, little girls from the tribe were fitted with gift dresses that the team had brought along with them on their trip. The smiles of the adorable children reflected how thrilled they were with their new dresses. Then our team participated in a Masai Water Walk, helping to haul water for a tribal village from a water source 3 ½ miles away. Donkeys were used to haul the largest and heaviest water jugs, but each of our Ambassadors team also carried part of the load, with their own containersstrapped on their backs for the trek across the desert back to the village. Hot, tired and exhausted from all they accomplished, the team returned to their guest quarters at Trinity Mission School, and participated in the cooking of their dinner. Among other things, they have learned how to sauté vegetables and mash potatoes with carrots and peas.