Day 9 fell on a Sunday, and the team had the privilege of participating in a lively worship service at the local Methodist Church. There was lots of singing and dancing, in addition to the prayers and messages. One of these messages was given by David Talbot, who shared his amazing story. Last Fall this trip, along with our entire Interact Crutches 4 Africa Project, was hanging by a very slender thread, when we almost lost David, due to multiple heart attacks he experienced. Although the odd were heavy stacked against his survival, by the grace of God, he did survive; and his rapid recovery enabled him to travel to Arizona to speak for our Interact District Conference at the end of February, to resume his leadership of the Crutches 4 Africa organization, and to prepare to lead this trip and distribution with our Interact Ambassadors team was nothing less than miraculous. After the church service, our team was hosted at a beautiful historic hotel for a wonderful tea, along with TMS Interact and Gilgil Rotary and Rotaract members. The relationships being built and strengthened by this trip will certainly result in additional joint humanitarian projects to benefit Trinity Mission School and its students, along with that entire area in Kenya.